Conference Registration
This year's conference will be in-person with the option to stream both days online.
Registration fees are listed below in Australian dollars. Fees for online and in-person attendees are different this year so please choose the correct attendance type when ordering. One day registration is only available for in-person attendees.
Early bird prices provide a discount for two day in-person registration. Online registration will remain at the same rate.
Conference events include a Conference dinner that requires registration. Other events before the conference will be advertised separately on the Eventspage. Some will be sponsored events and some will be at an additional cost.
EARLY BIRD two day in-person registration
Available until Friday 19th July 2024
- Non-AIMA members $230.00
- AIMA members $160.00
- Student/Concession AIMA members $85.00
Online registration
Prices remain the same
- Non-AIMA members $230.00
- AIMA members $160.00
- Student/Concession AIMA members $85.00
Two day in-person registration
Prices from Saturday 20th July 2024
- Non-AIMA members $280.00
- AIMA members $210.00
- Student/Concession AIMA members $100.00
One day in-person registration
Available from Saturday 20th July 2024
- Non-AIMA members $210.00
- AIMA members $140.00
- Student/Concession AIMA members $85.00
Conference dinner
Buffet dinner at the New Zealand Maritime Museum on Friday 27th September
- Conference dinner $95.00 per person
Please note that Indigenous participants presenting a paper or poster will incur no registration or AIMA membership costs.