Below is a list of meetings, events and deadlines.
The AIMA Newsletter is produced quarterly with issues delivered before the end of January, April, July and October. The deadline to submit articles to the newsletter is mid-month with dates on the Newsletter page but please submit news at any time to the newsletter editor. If not enough articles are submitted, they will all be rolled into the next issue.
Australasian Journal for Maritime Archaeology
AJMA is distributed in December each year. Papers can be submitted at any time of the year, but the cut off for each volume is the 30th September (unless otherwise agreed). If you plan to submit a paper, please let the Journal Editor know so the Editorial team can support your application.
AIMA Membership Renewals
AIMA memberships following the financial year. Fees must be paid between 1 June-30 Sept for members to continue receiving benefits and correspondence. Membership must be current to hold AIMA positions and vote in the AGM.
AIMA and other Events
- 18-24 May 2025 - National Archaeology Week. AIMA will be holding or contributing to an event. TBA
- 22-28 June 2025 - World Archaeological Congress in Darwin with a maritime archaeology sessionchaired by AIMA
- 10-18 August 2025 - National Science Week. AIMA will be holding or contributing to an event. TBA
- September 2025 - AIMA's AGM will be held as a hybrid or online event with details to be announced.
- 13-17 October 2025 - IKUWA8 Conferencein Oostende, Belgium.
- December 2025 - AIMA Conference jointly held with the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) in December in Perth, Western Australia. Details will be announced.
AHOY Monthly Member Meetings
The AHOY meetings run on the second Monday of every month. Zoom links are sent to current paid members in advance of each meeting. Click here to download a calendar reminder for the meetings. The agenda for each meeting is as follows (times in AEST/AEDT):
- 6:30-7:00pm - General chat
- 7:00-7:30pm - AIMA updates and discussion
- 7:30-onwards - Guest speaker or workshop
Notes from the meeting are later shared on the News section of the AIMA website.
The 2024-2025 dates and program are as follows:
- October 14th (Wednesday) - No guest lecture or workshop to start the new year
- November 11th - Guest presentation by Alex Hinton, PhD Student at Flinders University, on "HMS Endymion: Past, Present and Future"
- December 9th - Guest presentation by Mark Polzer, Heritage South Australia, on a phoenician shipwreck
- January 13th - Guest presentation by Sasha Joura 'Buoyed by community: Local knowledge and maritime archaeology on Stewart Island/Rakiura, New Zealand'
- February 10th - Guest presentation by Hiroshi Ishii, Maritime Asia Heritage Survey (MAHS), on "Japanese Heritage in Tonoas, Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia: An American Battlefield Protection Program by the University of Guam"
- March 10th - Guest presentation by Aurora Philpin, Western Australian Museum, on "Deep sea shipwrecks of the Rottnest Ships' Graveyard"
- April 14th - Guest presentation by Dr Rachel Nanson, Geoscience Australia, on "A two-part seabed geomorphology mapping scheme for multidisciplinary and multiscalar applications"
- May 12th - Guest presentation by Ashley Ellison, Flinders University, on her thesis topic "Connections Through Time: Examining community interaction with colonial maritime heritage in Encounter Bay, South Australia"
- June 9th - Workshop TBA
- July 14th - Workshop on "Getting ready for the conference: presentations and submitting conference papers"
- August 11th - Guest presentation by Des Williams on "The human impacts from the wreck of Coramba"
- September 8th - TBA
AIMA Executive Meetings
The AIMA Executive meet on the third Monday of every month at 6:30pm AEST/AEDT. This includes the core Executive, any AIMA position holders that wish to attend, and two observers.
Strategic Plan Update Meetings
These meetings are held quarterly to update AIMA's progress against the Strategic Plan 2022-2027. All members are invited to attend, particularly those who hold AIMA positions or are Champions for KPIs in the Plan. Anyone who cannot attend is invited to send their updates via email to be copied into the Plan spreadsheet.
The meetings will be held: