AHOY August Notes
If you missed our August monthly AHOY members meeting, here are some notes to catch you up.
The next AHOY meeting will be Wednesday 11th September starting 6:30pm AEST with a guest lecture at 7:30pm! More information and a Zoom joining link will be emailed to members closer to the date.
General discussion and updates:
- Mark Ryan 100% convinced us in his guest lecture that the best shipwreck dive in Australia is in fact TSS Kanowna in Victoria! At 86m depth to the sand, and standing about 10m proud, TSS Kanowna has a fascinating history and the site still contains thousands of artefacts across its five decks - it is mind boggling! Mark showed us so many impressive photos, but also watch this video by his dive mate Huw Porter: TSS Kanowna [Raw Video Series] on Vimeo
- Check out the ASEAN Underwater/Maritime Archaeology Association on Facebook! They will be formalising soon and AIMA has offered our support. The group include respected maritime archaeologists across southeast Asia and hope to hold NAS training to increase local public awareness and respect for underwater heritage.
- A bit off topic, but did you know that the Teenage Mutant Ninger Turtles are actually four different species of turtles (from 2018)? What Species Of Turtles Are The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? | 8-Bit Pickle (8bitpickle.com)
AIMA updates:
A lot has been happening this month, especially with preparations for a HUGE September!
- AIMA Conference:
- The extended Call for Papers closes 18th August so get in quick! More information is on the Call for Papers page.
- Travel bursary applications were extended until the 25th so please apply for $1,000 towards your travel expenses - details here.
- There are many exciting conference events on offer! Check out the events page.
- The Conference Committee are looking for assistance with putting together the conference program. If you're interested, please contact them on conference@aima-underwater.org.au.
- AIMA Scholarship applications close 23 August! More information on the Scholarships page.
- Australasian Journal of Maritime Archaeology Vol 48 (2024) is open for papers until 30th September. Contact Jeremy Green (Journal Editor) on publications@aima-underwater.org.au if you're interested in submitting an article.
- AGM:
- Details to be announced imminently
- There will also soon be a call for nominations for all of AIMA's Council, Executive, and Admin positions. If you're interested in any, please reach out for more information.
- Written reports will also be requested from all of AIMA's current position holders for the AGM minutes.
- AIMA's Code of Ethics has been updated and will be sent to Council for review and approval.
- Advocacy:
- A meeting was held with staff from the Western Australian Museum about WA's new maritime archaeology legislation being drafted. AIMA was represented by Mark Polzer, Peta Straiton and Danielle Wilkinson.
- AIMA also assisted a meeting with the Nautical Archaeological Society (NAS) and southeast Asian representatives from Indonesia, Singapore and the Phillipines who wish to introduce NAS training to South East Asia. Mark Ryan (AIMA/NAS Senior Tutor), Toni Massey (Vice President) and Danielle Wilkinson (President) offered AIMAs assistance in setting up training as well as support for their new ASEAN Underwater/Maritime Archaeology Association.
- Two representatives from the AIMA Executive will be attending a scientific diving workshop in Hobart next month. For more about the event, check out the Eventbrite page here.
See you next month for our last AHOY meeting before the AIMA Conference!
AHOY meetings from October onwards may be altered depending on the new Executive team and feedback from members.